$119.00 USD

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Pro at Prose

Master the Art of the Written Word Without Reading a Million Books

✅ improve your writing skills
✅ learn how to write better character voices and dialogue
✅ master narrative perspectives
✅ learn how to get creative with unique metaphors
✅ learn the methods to artistic writing
 become a better line editor
✅ save serious money on hiring editors down the line

The module agenda:

  • Module 1: Understanding the foundations - shifting your mindset to fully understand the one basic principle behind that golden ‘Show don’t tell’ rule, which will set you up to make line-level writing instantly easier.
  • Module 2: Finding the narrator  - everything about narrative perspectives and which one you should choose for your project, as well as how to excel in narrative voices
  • Module 3: Mastering dialogue - crafting memorable character voices and tricks to writing realistic dialogue
  • Module 4: Nailing the description - sentence structures, vocabulary banks, immersive writing
  • Module 5: Writing creatively -literary styles, artistic prose, crafting metaphors and symbolism 
  • Bonus: 200-page course workbook with exercises, templates & style cheat guides
  • Bonus: Writing community with your peers

This product comes with 14-day guarantee on your purchase if you are not satisfied with the quality of learning provided. Find the full policy in our Terms of Use, at the bottom of the page.

What my editing clients say:

I was anxious to hear back from Char, as she was the first person outside of my trusted friends and family to read my manuscript. One huge sigh of relief later: I'm so happy with her feedback! She offered such a nice combination of praise and cheering for my characters with valuable line edits and comments. It didn't overwhelm me, and it felt well-balanced and super actionable. I feel excited about my story again and this editing experience has really empowered me to make this story the best it can be.

Margaret Claire

I wrote a whopping 500,000 words, and after editing that for the 3rd time, I felt a little lost. When I started Char's program, I learned not only what my book was about, but also how to turn it into a compelling story.

Eve van der Ploeg