Writing is one of the most complex yet fulfilling endeavors. For many of us, having vivid ideas for a book or a story isn’t the...
Do you feel like you have a story that’s highly dependant on your characters backstories, but you’ve heard all the arguments...
I plot weird.
It’s kind of like the Snowflake Method and kind of like Save the Cat, but not really completely like either....
Hello, my dearest reader. I hope you're doing well. I'm writing this from my bed –as I do almost everything from my bed, ps: don't...
Last December, I started rewriting a halfway-abandoned story. But when I reread it, I realized that something was off. I ended up...
“A horrible first draft is better than a blank page.”
Not according to that little voice in my head that tells me anything...
Hello my lovely friends, I’m about to say those words many of us dream to say: I finished my first draft. It happened last month...
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