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Writing Respectful Representation characters writing skills Nov 21, 2023

First and foremost, I want to thank Ariadne and Jules for discussing this idea with me. The topic of inclusivity in writing is enormously...

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The 3-step System to Create Well-Written Dialogue dialogue writing prose writing skills Nov 20, 2023

Whether you’re stuck on a scene in your novel, or you just want to get some writing training in, I’m glad you’re here,...

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Crafting Complex Characters characters writing skills Nov 14, 2023

The most interesting characters to read about are usually the most conflicted and complex characters, the ones that mess up and have to...

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You Said, I Said, We All Said book editing prose writing skills Nov 12, 2023

In the early 2010’s, my writing underwent two dramatic paradigm shifts in a single summer.

I was by no means new to writing in the...

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The Perks of Not Being Original Enough mindset writing skills Nov 07, 2023

The year is 2023. We have wars, political crises, a virus that almost killed the entire world and I'm pretty sure if I were to look, I...

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Writing Magic Systems That Create Tension plotting writing skills Nov 03, 2023

If you’re an enjoyer of fantasy and want to try your hand at the genre, one of the most intimidating things at first can be...

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Mastering the Writer’s Exercise: Word Vomit Techniques prose writing skills Oct 21, 2023

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog entry where we will talk about an exercise from mastering the writer’s exercise series....

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How to Write Spicy Scenes writing skills Oct 20, 2023

Alright folks, so a quick disclaimer before I begin: I am demisexual, and NOT sex-repulsed, so bear that in mind while reading.


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In Fervent Defense of Said prose writing skills Oct 14, 2023

There’s no arguing that dialogue writing is incredibly important to your story, but what happens when it gets clunky and slow? If...

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Avoiding Worldbuilding Paralysis plotting writing skills Oct 13, 2023

“Limit worldbuilding?” you ask. “Limit worldbuilding?! Why would I limit worldbuilding? I love worldbuilding! You love...

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How to Write Fight Scenes writing skills Oct 07, 2023

Introducing fight scenes to a distrustful audience?

I love a good fight scene as much as I love riding a rollercoaster. The intensity,...

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How to Immerse Readers in Your Story book editing prose writing skills Oct 04, 2023

Have you ever been told that your scenes are too abstract and hard to visualize? Then, I’m afraid you may be suffering from white...

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